This past Saturday 16 players met at Meeplemart to throw down in an Astronomi-con prep tournament. While I have run a few casual 40k Leagues in the past, this was the first time I had ever run an actual Tournament! I have to say it was a huge success. The tournament was a lot of fun and I can’t wait to run something similar in the future. For those interested, a full gallery of the day’s events can be found here.
For those of you not familiar with Astronomi-con, it’s a more hobby focused tournament. The biggest difference from other tournaments is that each table has it’s own unique terrain and custom mission. You’re not just playing the simple missions out of the 40k rulebook and you have no idea what to expect until you bring your army over to your assigned table! With the full Astro having between 50-60 players/25-30 tables and my own tournament only having 16 people/8 tables, I had a lot of different missions to pick from. Here are the 8 missions I settled on:
- Crux of the Matter
- Line Breaker
- Err Supply
- Temple of Doom
- Convoy Raid
- Recon
- Grot Mart
- Sink the Baneblade
Since some of the missions don’t make much sense without seeing the tables, here are photos of each:
Crux of the Matter Table
Linebreaker Table
Err Supply Table
Temple Of Doom Table
Grot Mart Table
Sink the Baneblade Table
The Winners
A full spreadsheet breakdown of the Tournament results can be found here.
Best Overall (out of 85pts) – 1 Ticket to Astronomi-con Toronto 2012
- Joffrey King – 75pts
- Raf Brusilow – 73pts
- David Baird – 63pts
Best General (out of 39pts) – 1 Ticket to Astronomi-con Toronto 2012
- Michael Findlay – 35pts
- Joffrey King – 33pts
- Raf Brusilow – 31pts
Best Appearance (out of 30pts) – 1 Ticket to Astronomi-con Toronto 2012
- Jon Tung – 31pts
- Joffrey King – 28pts
- Raf Brusilow – 27pts
Best Sportsman (out of 15pts) – $50 Meeplemart Gift Certificate
- Matt Lee – 15pts
- Joey Geary – 15pts
- Tristan McKerracher – 15pts
Raffle Winners
- Claudio Paola – – 1 Ticket to Astronomi-con Toronto 2012
- Dave Tellez – $50 Meeplemart Gift Certificate
The Armies
I didn’t get a photo of everyone’s army, but I tried. Tristan’s Space Marines are missing because it was facing the wrong way when I made my rounds. Dave T’s Necrons are missing because it was all grey plastic and black primer!
Lorand's Imperial Fists
Jeff's Blood Angels
Matt's Space Marines
David's Orks
Jon's Death Guard
Joffrey's Orks
Claudio's Space Wolves
Neil's Tyranids
Joe's Chaos Marines
Darrin's Iron Warriors
That’s all for now! I’ve uploaded a 77 image gallery over in the Events Coverage section for you to view. Go check it out!
Good work! How come everyone who play’s orks is named Dave?
Great tournament Mike! Great to see all the armies in one spot.