Had two more games with my Salamanders today. I’m getting really close to finalizing my 1500pt list for Astro in June!
First game was against a buddy who’s coming to Astro as well. He is trying a list that has 5 scoring units:
- Librarian w/10 marines, Drop pod
- 10 Scouts w/Telion – Combat Squading into 3 snipers/Missile Launcher/Telion and 5 bolters.
- Blaylock with 5 shooty terminators
- 5 Thunderhammer termis
- Melta Dread in a Drop pod
The game was Capture and Control – Dawn of War. By the end of turn 5 I had just barely got rid of his Librarian that teleported to contest my objective, meaning it would have been a tie. But it went to 6 and I managed to make Telion and the remainder of his unit run off his objective and the game ended with me winning 1-0.
Second game was against a random dude at the store with an all Bike Marine army. I can’t remember exact unit sizes, but it was something like
- Commander (relic blade, Bike)
- Command Squad (Apoth, Powerfist, 2 meltaguns, Champion, Bikes)
- 8 or 9 bikes w/ 2xMelta, Attack Bike, Sgt w/Power fist
- 8 or 9 bikes w/ 2xMelta, Attack Bike, Sgt w/Power fist
- 8 or 9 bikes w/ 2xPlasma, Attack Bike, Sgt w/Power fist
- Librarian (attached to plasma squad)
Mission was Annihilation. With his list only having 6 KP to my 11 I was a little worried. But with using the terrain and drop pod placement to bottleneck him and a little luck on his armour saves, I tabled him by the end of 4 and won 6KP to his 2.
So between this and Winning all 3 games at a small Tournament last weekend, it’s been a good week for the Salamanders. I’m pretty happy with my list now so it’s time to buckle down and finish painting it.
What do you mean by ‘Blaylock’ with the terminators?
Blaylock is “Captain Mordaci Blaylock” from Imperial Armour Vol. 9.
Really he’s just a Terminator Captain with a Chainfist/Storm Bolter. But he has a special rule that allows Terminators to be scoring… so it can be nasty depending on the list.