290 Carlaw Ave. Unit 202
Toronto, ON, Canada
M4M 3L1
3 Games
Entry Fee:
Points Value:
Bekrin is a Cardinal World and the religious capital of the Ecclesiarchy covering much of what was the Canis Salient in the Jericho Reach. Its population was forced to evacuate the planet to escape the approaching Tyranid Hive Fleet, and though the Hive Fleet was turned aside before they reached Bekrin, the world was never resettled.
Greyhell Front
Within the nearby Class III Warp disturbance known as “The Hadex Anomaly” the many forces of Chaos have been gathering. Although these forces were unable to unite under a single Warlord they have launched a massive attack into Jericho Reach itself. Perhaps because they are not a single unified force, the smaller warbands have slipped through the Imperial defences and are attacking the outer worlds. Several of these warbands have decided that Bekrin is ripe for the taking. What better world to give them a foothold in this sector than an uninhabited former Shrine World?
Jericho Reach
Local Deathwatch intel has allowed the Imperium to start scrambling a defence. The distress call for all available forces to respond to the Chaos threat on Bekrin has been sent. Hopefully that will be enough to repel the invasion and return the Chaos Horde back into the Hadex Anomaly.
The Tournament Organizer will be splitting players into two teams, Attackers (Chaos) and Defenders (Order). Before round 1, team leaders should be chosen. In rounds where Players are allowed to pick their own tables, team leaders will have 10 minutes to submit a list of player names and table assignments. If the 10 minute limit is reached, players will be assigned tables by the Tournament Organizer.
Prizes will be distributed to the winning team. The players on the winning team will also get a yet to be determined bonus when starting the upcoming 40k Campaign.
The overall tournament is scored using the total Victory points from all games. Objectives are worth 2-3Vp each depending on the mission. Secondary Objectives are worth 1Vp each.
Armies must be composed of no greater than 1500 points.
One Standard Mission Force Organization is allowed per army.
6th Edition Warhammer 40k Rules will be used.
Imperial Armour models will be allowed using the latest rules published.
The following rules are in effect each game:
Night Fight
Deep Strike
Seize the Initiative
Warlord Trait
Round 1 – Planetfall
Pairing: Team Defense will be able to discuss amongst themselves to each choose a table. Once all Defenders are at their tables, the Attackers can go choose which table/opponent they would like to play. Deployment: Deployment is standard 12” onto the board. Defenders deploy first and will have a few sections of defensive walls to deploy with their army. Objectives: Defender must deploy two objectives worth 3VP each, one within their deployment zone and one outside both deployment zones. Objectives cannot be placed within 18” of each other. Secondary: Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker, First Blood First Turn: Attacker gets first turn on a 3+
Round 2 – Land Grab
Pairing: Players will be assigned a table by the Tournament Organizer Deployment: Deployment is Vanguard (diagonal deployment). Roll off to see who deploys first. Objectives: Players will deploy 5 objectives worth 2VP each on the table before deploying their armies, seeing who goes first, or picking table edges. Objectives cannot be placed within 12” of each other. Secondary: Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker, First Blood First Turn: Roll off to see who goes first.
Round 3 – Counter Attack
Pairing: The Attacking team will be able to discuss amongst themselves to each choose a table. Once all Attackers are at a table, the Defenders can go choose which table/opponent they would like to play. Deployment: Deployment is standard 12” onto the board. Attackers deploy first. Objectives: Both players must deploy a single objective worth 3VP each within their own deployment zone when deploying their army. Secondary: Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker, First Blood First Turn: Defender gets first turn on a 3+